TCS-II Cost Modelling

Strategic Cost Management (Cost Modelling) course certification (TCS-IIc)

Certification for our Strategic Cost Management (Cost Modelling) course. To get this course: select a bundle in our course catalog, then click above on the button "Get all for $xxx". You will get one year unlimited access to the course and all supporting content.

What differentiates your company from the competition?
Over the past 50 years, global competition has evolved to a level where technology, quality, customer service, delivery, and brands are no longer sufficient to differentiate world-class companies. In order to achieve and maintain a sustained competitive advantage, firms must now provide all of the above at a lower cost than their competitors. Strategic Cost Management thus becomes a necessary element for companies today.

As cost management moves to the forefront of business strategy, companies are beginning to realize that in order to effectively manage costs, they must first understand the elements that comprise the total cost of ownership (TCO).

'Cost Modelling' course objectives:
• To obtain, understand and apply a set of cost management tools that enable the transition from leveraging volume to leveraging ideas
• To gain a better knowledge of the cost structure of goods, equipment or services procured
• To identify data sources in building cost models
• To apply cost models in effective negotiations
• To use Price Discipline in long term contract negotiations
• To apply Total Cost of Ownership principles in sourcing decisions
  • Total Cost Solutions II: "Cost Modelling" Certification
  • How to start your cost modelling project
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Total Cost Solutions II: "Cost Modelling" Certification"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever